Cherish The Pause

If you’re looking for a quick self care fix to de-stress + find meaning all you need to do is PAUSE. I know it seems unfathomable yet here’s the spoiler alert it’s true!

 What I adore about the ancient yogi’s is their stellar realization that subtle practices have the most profound effect. In other words you don’t have to stand on your head to feel better – what a relief!

 In between phases of movement there is a subtle PAUSE that is pregnant (expectant + teeming) with meaningful possibilities. Inherent in the PAUSE is the still point, which just happens to be an entry point to relaxation, meditation + your deeper inner nature.

 Surprisingly this pregnant PAUSE experience is so present that it’s readily available to you in ordinary life circumstances

·      between sleep + waking states

·      right before a sneeze

·      the high point of a yawn

·      space between thoughts

·      space between breaths

 The most easy entry point is the Space Between Breath – between the inhalation + the exhalation. The secret is to consciously focus awareness in this fractional gap. Below is a short-guided exercise to finding the magic of the inner breath PAUSE.

 I find repeated PAUSE drop-ins during the day act like short doses of affordable mini- meditations.  They free my body from the compulsion to move, quell the laboring mind + give permission to cease living on the surface. Instead I get to tangibly experience my deeper conscious nature over + over. Teaching me how to live more from this inborn source of stillness, peace + purpose. Cherish the PAUSE!
