Some days I would like to blame outside circumstances for my emotional stress or physical dis-ease. The empowering reality is the mind-emotions are more the culprit. They are the blueprint of personal experiences driving how we think, feel +behave in relationship with ourselves + others. Newsflash there is nothing wrong with your MIND! Yet the well documented mind-body connection behooves us to harness the disruptive MIND to serve us better.
Next time your feeling irritable or in a funk take charge, reach for Double Exhales to breath down the mind-emotion reactions. Life will become easier- it’s yoga’s promise.
Double Exhales
Gently adjusting the breath so your exhale is twice as long as the inhale
Breathing in + out the nose find your normal breath rhythm
As you breathe normally begin to gently adjust the breath so your breathing
the same amount of time for the duration of your inhalation + exhalationBreathe in 2,3,4
Breathe out 2,3,4
After a few rounds of regulating the breath begin to lengthen the exhale
Breathe in 2,3,4
Breathe out 2,3,4,5,6,7,8
If 8 count is uncomfortable start with a 6 exhalation count
Continue in this way for 1-10 minutes
Notice the effectsDouble Exhales slip you into the Rest + Relax Response firing on your
Parasympathetic Nervous System + rewiring your mind- emotions to the
calm channel.